Here an update from Israel (19/01/2025)

"For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem"
Isaiah 2:3

Peniel Fellowship

So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel:
"for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved."

Genesis 32:30

Dear visitor, you are most welcome to the website of Peniel Fellowship Israel.

The gathering of the nation of Israel back to the land of our forefathers is the fulfillment of the first part of Ezekiel's "dry bones" vision. That is the physical restoration of our nation. However, it is most exciting for us to live in Israel and to participate in the second part of this vision, the spiritual awakening of our nation Israel.

Together with the restoration of the people and the land of Israel, God has restored the ancient Hebrew language. As we study the Old and New Testaments in their original language & original settings, led by the Holy Spirit as our teacher, we come across wonderful spiritual truths which have been lost for ages because of the limitations of foreign translation.

On this website, we desire to share some of the treasures which the Lord has been revealing to us from His word over the years.

May the pure water of the word bless you as it has blessed us!

Last Sermonfrom Costia Goldenberg

Priestly Blessing

Hebrew Worship

New Hebrew worship from Israel!

We are excited to announce the release of our first tracks from our new CD "Preparing a Place", an album of live Israeli worship from the Peniel Fellowship of Tiberias, Israel! The album consists of originial Hebrew worship songs written and performed by the worship team of the congregation.

Psalm 22:3 says that the Lord, the Holy One, is enthroned on the praises of Israel. It is our desire, through our worship, to prepare a place where the Lord may dwell. Join us in worshiping the Holy One of Israel through these songs of praise!

Download and listen to the full album here: https://smarturl.it/ListenPrepareAPlace

"Nachin Makom" (We Will Prepare a Place) is the title track of our new album release. Music and lyrics by Celeste Mills.
Chords and Lyrics
"Hineni Mistachaveh" (Here I am Bowing Down to Worship You) is the first track on the new release, Preparing a Place/Nachin Makom. Music and lyrics by Cindy and Israel Nelson.
Chords and Lyrics
"Rumah Adonai" (Be Exalted, O Lord) is a popluar Messianic worship song sung in congregations across the country but written by our own Sue Orde.
Chords and Lyrics
Join the Peniel Fellowship worship team in this fifth release from our album "Nachin Makom",  as Karyna Eger leads us in her original song, "L'Cha Eshtachaveh" (To You I Will Bow Down), praising Yeshua, the Worthy Lamb who was sacrificed for us!
Chords and Lyrics
God is good to Israel and in this song Alona Radchik leads us in praising and exalting the Lord for His great grace to us! Music and lyrics by Karyna Eger.
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On this fourth release from our new album, we declare that one day "EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW" (Kol Berech Tichra)  before the King of Kings, Yeshua!  Music and lyrics by Sue Orde.
Chords and Lyrics
In this new worship song, "Yagel Libi" (My Heart Rejoices), we offer the fruit of our lips and declare, "I will sing to the Lord for His abundant goodness to me!" Join us as Karyna Eger leads us in her original song of praise.
Chords and Lyrics
What great grace! This is what our song, "Rav Chasdecha" declares as we remember and give thanks to our Lord who protected and provided for our ancestors all those years in the desert and continues to protect and provide for us today. Music and lyrics by Cindy & Israel Nelson.
Chords and Lyrics
"Adonai Ro'i"- The Lord is my Shepherd! Join the worship team of the Peniel Fellowship as we sing one of the most well known and beloved Scriptures, Psalm 23, set to music by the late Andrei Yevstyfeiev and sung by Elena Yevstyfeiev-Bizhko.
Chords and Lyrics
As we come to a new year, we want to leave the things which are behind and press on in seeking the Kingdom of God. This is what the worship team of the Peniel Fellowship declares in this new release,"For me to live is the Messiah!" (Ha Mashiach Hu Chayai) written and led by Celeste Mills
Chords and Lyrics
We ended our evening of worship as we end every Shabbat service with our pastor, Daniel Yahav, declaring over the congregation and our nation the Aaronic Blessing from Numbers 6:24-26. The music to "Yevarechecha" (Bless You) was written by Ariel Gannon. May you be blessed from Israel!
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Special newsletter - Gaza war 2023

by Daniel Yahav

Dear Friends and Prayer Partners, Thank you all who have been asking how we are doing, and thank you so much for praying for us and for our nation. Israel is going through a trauma that no one anticipated ...

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Am I Producing Fruit, or Am I Deceiving Myself?

by Daniel Yahav

'By this is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples.' (John 15:8). Jesus was using the common knowledge about the vine...

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An Invitation to Build God's House - Part 1

by Daniel Yahav

This teaching about God's people building together the Tabernacle, the house of God, Is a picture and an encouragement to all of us, to invest in the building...

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An Invitation to Build God's House - Part 2

by Daniel Yahav

In our first session, we expanded on the process of building the Tabernacle, the dwelling place of God, in which the whole nation was called to take part....

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The Feasts of the Seventh Month

by Daniel Yahav

The season of the fall Feasts, is a very special season, and already in the Bible, the Feast of Tabernacles was called "THE feast". When it says they went up to Jerusalem...

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The unjust steward (Luke 16:1-13) what does this parable teach us?!

by Daniel Yahav

In our world today, we hear too often about unrighteous acts of people who use their position, money and power...

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Yeshua (Jesus) is GOD!

by Daniel Yahav

From time to time we hear voices which question or even reject completely the divinity of Yeshua (Jesus) our Messiah. Unfortunately, such attacks on the divinity of Yeshua are nothing new. It is...

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Yeshua our High Priest lifts His light in us

by Daniel Yahav

Yeshua our Lord tells us that we are the light of the world. He challenges us to live in such a way that brings glory to our heavenly father. But how can we...

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by Daniel Yahav

This is a summary of a series of teachings on the blessings that come from the banner of Yeshua's cross. The idea of the cross as a banner comes from...

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My Sheep hear my voice (John 10: 27-29)

by Daniel Yahav

Often people ask "How can I hear the voice of God?" In the following teaching we will examine what did Yeshua teach us, how can we hear HIS voice?! Yeshua said in...

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The Feast of Remembering the Blowing of Trumpets - Zichron T'rua

by Daniel Yahav

'In the seventh month on the first day of the month, you shall have a rest, a reminder by blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation...' (Leviticus 23:24)...

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Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement

by Daniel Yahav

“On exactly the tenth day of this seventh month is the day of atonement: it shall be a holy convocation for you, and you shall torment your souls…” (Lev 23:27). The word 'torment' is used three times...

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Be prepared - marked by God

by Daniel Yahav

Not all are aware, but before our eyes is being fulfilled one of the ancient end time prophecies, which were foretold by God already 3500 years ago. God told Moses about the exile of the nation...

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70 years of Israel - in the epicenter of Gods plan of salvation

by Daniel Yahav

On May 14, 2018, Israel celebrated the opening of the USA embassy in Jerusalem, exactly 70 years after it’s birth. The prophet Isaiah (66:8) asked...

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A revelation of the heart of Yeshua

by Daniel Yahav

When we study the story of Joseph, the son of Jacob, we find an amazing revelation of the heart of Yeshua towards his brothers in the flesh, the people of Israel, and in particular the Messianic body...

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by Daniel Yahav

Then the Lord said to Moses: ‘Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, you yourselves have seen that I have spoken to you from heaven. You shall not make other gods besides Me, gods of...

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by Daniel Yahav

I think most all would answer this question positively. Who would not want a blessing?! But unfortunately, many seem to be totally ignorant of the basic law demonstrated in all the natural world...

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Let us lift up our heads because our God is in control

by Daniel Yahav

The Corona pandemic that is sweeping over the entire world has provoked much discussion among the family of God. It seems to me that most alarming...

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by Daniel Yahav

It is clear from what is going on around us that we are living in a difficult period of time. Our world is changing, and it is changing fast, and not for the good! But for us, as believers in God and in His word, and for whom Yeshua, the Messiah and King of Israel, is our personal Savior and Lord, and who have received the Holy Spirit, He has not left us in darkness (Amos 3:7). Let us see from God's word...

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Giving thanks always for all things unto God. Ephesians 5:20

by Daniel Yahav

The period we have gone through in the last two years, has been a time of testing for all of us. Now that we can see it's end, we want to look back and thank God for His faithfulness and His grace over us even in challenging times. The time we went through was a test that examined the foundations of our house of faith. What is our house built on, and how do we cope with trials and tribulations that come our way, knowing that more trials are likely to come...

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How to Go Through This world Successfully

by Daniel Yahav

Have you ever been in a situation where you ask yourself, 'What is God's will for my life?' 'What am I to do?' I'd like us to look at the guidance we receive from our Heavenly Father. Guidance that is so important in these days, as things will become increasingly difficult in the future. We see all the turmoil in the world today, everything in our lives is changing, our whole routine of life has altered with the Coronavirus...

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How to conquer the kingdom of God in our lives

by Daniel Yahav

This question may cause some eye brows to rise, for one may legitimately think that no one can conquer God’s kingdom! Well, let us walk together into God’s word and find out. Our life’s journey as followers of Yeshua is likened in the New Testament to the story of the Exodus of the people of Israel from Egypt. Let's be reminded of this parallel. ...

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Passover Hagadah - Hebrew/English

by No Speaker name

Now, before the Feast of Passover, when Yeshua knew that His hour was come that He should depart out of this world unto the Father- having loved His own, which were in the world, He loved them unto the end. And He said unto them: With desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I say unto you, I will not anymore eat thereof until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God. Then came the first day of the Unleavened Bread...

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Passover plate

by Shirya Yahav

On each table there should be a Passover plate with the 5 following items ......


Contact Us

Peniel Fellowship
A Ministry of "Tsur Haim"
(An Israeli non-profit Organization)

Address: HaMasor Street 15, Tiberias, Israel
Mailing address: Tsur Haim, PO Box 2168 Tiberias 1412101, Israel
Email: penielfellowship@gmail.com
Telefax: 972-4-6797767
Service on Saturdays 10:30