
"Da Sion, infatti, uscirà la legge, e da Gerusalemme la parola del Signore." Isaia 2:3

Assemblea Peniel

Giacobbe chiamò quel luogo Peniel, perché disse:
"Ho visto Dio faccia a faccia e la mia vita è stata risparmiata."

Genesi 32:30

Caro visitatore, benvenuto al sito dell'Assemblea Peniel in Israele.

La raccolta del popolo ebraico nella terra dei padri in Israele è l'adempimento della prima parte della visione delle "ossa secche" del profeta Ezechiele. Si tratta della restaurazione fisica della nostra nazione.

Ma per noi vivere in Israele è ancor più entusiasmante per esser partecipi della seconda parte della visione: il risveglio spirituale della nazione d'Israele in atto nei nostri giorni.

Contemporaneamente alla restaurazione della nazione e della terra d'Israele, Dio ha risuscitato anche l'antica lingua ebraica, assieme alle celebrazioni delle feste bibliche con i loro profondi significati. Mentre studiamo l'Antico e il Nuovo Testamento nel loro ambiente originale, sotto la guida dello Spirito Santo che c'insegna ed equipaggiati della conoscenza della lingua ebraica, incontriamo meravigliosi tesori spirituali di verità che erano andati persi nei secoli passati, ricoperti dalla polvere di traduzioni insoddisfacenti in altre lingue.

Cari fratelli e sorelle, il nostro umile desiderio è di condividere con voi quanto il Signore ci ha rivelato dalla Sua Parola nel corso degli anni.

Possa la pura acqua della Parola essere di benedizione per voi, come lo è stato per noi!

Last Sermonfrom Daniel Yahav

Priestly Blessing

Hebrew Worship

"Nachin Makom" (We Will Prepare a Place) is the title track of our new album release. Music and lyrics by Celeste Mills.
Chords and Lyrics
"Hineni Mistachaveh" (Here I am Bowing Down to Worship You) is the first track on the new release, Preparing a Place/Nachin Makom. Music and lyrics by Cindy and Israel Nelson.
Chords and Lyrics
"Rumah Adonai" (Be Exalted, O Lord) is a popluar Messianic worship song sung in congregations across the country but written by our own Sue Orde.
Chords and Lyrics
Join the Peniel Fellowship worship team in this fifth release from our album "Nachin Makom",  as Karyna Eger leads us in her original song, "L'Cha Eshtachaveh" (To You I Will Bow Down), praising Yeshua, the Worthy Lamb who was sacrificed for us!
Chords and Lyrics
God is good to Israel and in this song Alona Radchik leads us in praising and exalting the Lord for His great grace to us! Music and lyrics by Karyna Eger.
Chords and Lyrics
On this fourth release from our new album, we declare that one day "EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW" (Kol Berech Tichra)  before the King of Kings, Yeshua!  Music and lyrics by Sue Orde.
Chords and Lyrics
In this new worship song, "Yagel Libi" (My Heart Rejoices), we offer the fruit of our lips and declare, "I will sing to the Lord for His abundant goodness to me!" Join us as Karyna Eger leads us in her original song of praise.
Chords and Lyrics
What great grace! This is what our song, "Rav Chasdecha" declares as we remember and give thanks to our Lord who protected and provided for our ancestors all those years in the desert and continues to protect and provide for us today. Music and lyrics by Cindy & Israel Nelson.
Chords and Lyrics
"Adonai Ro'i"- The Lord is my Shepherd! Join the worship team of the Peniel Fellowship as we sing one of the most well known and beloved Scriptures, Psalm 23, set to music by the late Andrei Yevstyfeiev and sung by Elena Yevstyfeiev-Bizhko.
Chords and Lyrics
As we come to a new year, we want to leave the things which are behind and press on in seeking the Kingdom of God. This is what the worship team of the Peniel Fellowship declares in this new release,"For me to live is the Messiah!" (Ha Mashiach Hu Chayai) written and led by Celeste Mills
Chords and Lyrics
We ended our evening of worship as we end every Shabbat service with our pastor, Daniel Yahav, declaring over the congregation and our nation the Aaronic Blessing from Numbers 6:24-26. The music to "Yevarechecha" (Bless You) was written by Ariel Gannon. May you be blessed from Israel!
Chords and Lyrics


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Contact Us

Peniel Fellowship
A Ministry of "Tsur Haim"
(An Israeli non-profit Organization)

Address: HaMasor Street 15, Tiberias, Israel
Mailing address: Tsur Haim, PO Box 2168 Tiberias 1412101, Israel
Email: penielfellowship@gmail.com
Telefax: 972-4-6797767
Service on Saturdays 10:30