"For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem" Isaiah 2:3
Peniel Fellowship
So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel:
"for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved."
Genesis 32:30
Dear visitor, you are most welcome to the website of Peniel Fellowship Israel.
The gathering of the nation of Israel back to the land of our forefathers is the fulfillment of the first part of Ezekiel's "dry bones" vision. That is the physical restoration of our nation. However, it is most exciting for us to live in Israel and to participate in the second part of this vision, the spiritual awakening of our nation Israel.
Together with the restoration of the people and the land of Israel, God has restored the ancient Hebrew language. As we study the Old and New Testaments in their original language & original settings, led by the Holy Spirit as our teacher, we come across wonderful spiritual truths which have been lost for ages because of the limitations of foreign translation.
On this website, we desire to share some of the treasures which the Lord has been revealing to us from His word over the years.
May the pure water of the word bless you as it has blessed us!
Last Sermonfrom Daniel Yahav
Priestly Blessing
Hebrew Worship
Chords and Lyrics
Chords and Lyrics
Chords and Lyrics
Chords and Lyrics
Chords and Lyrics
Chords and Lyrics
Chords and Lyrics
Chords and Lyrics
Chords and Lyrics
Chords and Lyrics
Chords and Lyrics
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Subject | Title | Date | Speaker |
Contact Us
A Ministry of "Tsur Haim"
(An Israeli non-profit Organization)
Address: HaMasor Street 15, Tiberias, Israel
Mailing address: Tsur Haim, PO Box 2168 Tiberias 1412101, Israel
Email: penielfellowship@gmail.com
Telefax: 972-4-6797767
Service on Saturdays 10:30
Donate to Peniel Fellowship
Website: http//www.penielfellowshipisrael.com/
1. Worldwide:
Pay-Pal: tsurhaim.office@gmail.com
(for German donors please due to the tax deductibility of donations use the
account from Haus Mizpa IBAN: DE79 2519 0001 1329 1882 02, see point 3).
2. USA:
for tax deductible donations go to:
CHOOSE "One-Time" or "Monthly" or any other frequency you want to donate
Make sure you mark the donation for the Peniel Fellowship.
Note: Your donation will be transferred in full to the Peniel Fellowship.
3. Germany:
Contact address for donations to the Peniel congregation:
Freundeskreis des Hauses Mizpa, Wilhelm-Busch-Straße 3, 31079 Sibesse
Tel: 00495060/960775 Fax: 00495060960774 Email: buero@mizpa.de
Bank: Volksbank Hanover
Konto#: 13 291 882 02 BIC: VOHADE2H
IBAN: DE79 2519 0001 1329 1882 02
Contact address for donations to the Peniel congregation:
Freundeskreis des Hauses Mizpa, Wilhelm-Busch-Straße 3, 31079 Sibesse
Tel: 00495060/960775 Fax: 00495060960774 Email:buero@mizpa.de
Bank: Postfinance IBAN: CH53 0900 0000 6050 9625 0
5. ISRAEL - Bank transfers:
Account name: Amutat Tsur Haim
The First International Bank
Bank # 31 branch #002 Acct # 409-431-931
Bank address: Rabin Square, Tiberias 1, P/O Box 28, Zip 1420701 Israel
IBAN: IL130310020000000431931
Mailing address: Tsur Haim, PO Box 2168 Tiberias 1412101, Israel
Note: "Amutat Tsur Haim" is the non-profit organization of the Peniel
6. ISRAEL - Donations by checks:
Write the check to the order of Amutat Tsur Haim
Mail it to:
Tsur Haim
P.O.Box 2168 Tiberias 1412101